Betting on Esport has become a significant part of competitive gaming. Even major sports sites have opened up sections devoted to betting on video games. If you have a stroke of luck and know your players, then you may be wondering how to win it big by gambling with Esports. Keep reading below to know where to go to bet and what games will offer the largest money pool.

What to Bet on

Some of the safest games to start betting on are ones that are already in progress. These matches may have glaring signs of a clear winner, and while they may not net you a ton of money, a small winning is better than nothing. Make sure to do some research into the game and teams your placing a bet on if the tournament isn’t ongoing.

If you’re new to competitive gaming, don’t fall into the trap of betting hundreds of dollars on your first game. Many sites like to entice users to keep putting in more money, and new better can easily walk away with empty pockets.

Stay away from new teams unless they have made an outstanding performance and plan safe bets. While newcomers can cause an upset in Esports league like Dota 2, a single team has held the international title for three years straight.


Increasing Your Odds

If you want to win big, then your going to need to do some research. Don’t just look up a players stats, see if they stream to Twitch. Many famous teams have an account where they will routinely stream games. This will let you get a feel for the player’s current skill level. This can be especially handy when betting on a single match.

You should also follow the team and team members on social media networks. If you see signs of distress, then it’s very possible for the player and the team’s performance will suffer. Determining which team has the upper hand will take careful consideration and long periods of study.


While Esports betting is still fairly new, people are already throwing in hundreds of dollars on smaller matches. On the larger international tournaments, you can expect to see prize pools jump to the thousands. Esports matches are going on all the time, and if you strategically bet on several every week, then you can earn a considerable amount of income.